Request Josef Müller as a Speaker

Request for Readings, Talks, Sermons

Unfortunately, Herr Müller cannot accept all invitations. In case he must decline your request, we could offer you an alternative date.
Requests arriving 2-3 months before the event allow for early planning. But we also answer short-notice requests. 

Weekend dates for 2017 are already fully booked. 2018/2019 weekend dates are still available.

Please refer to the events calendar to find out if your desired date is still available:
Weekend dates still available for 2017 are:

(Unfortunately, no weekend dates available at the moment) 

Requests for weekdays (Monday-Thursday/Friday) are always welcome.

If possible, Herr Müller will come either by car or plane (whatever is less expensive).

  • Herr Müller travels with an assistant/attendant or with a team respectively.
  • Herr Müller is 100% dependent on donations.
  • The suggested compensation/fee for services will be determined on an individual basis. The fee is for one evening, morning, or afternoon session. Travel expenses (by car 0,39 Euros or 0,60 Swiss Francs per Kilometer) and possible overnight accommodations are additional.
  • 100% of all ministry compensations and contributions (e.g., for a church service) are passed on to the charitable foundation JESUS saved my life Ministry. 
  • 1-2 friendly persons should be available to support Herr Müller and to help out (i.e., with loading and unloading books, roll ups, etc.)
  • Within Germany, Herr Müller attempts to get by without overnight accommodations within an area of 250 km. That allows him to return home after the event and saves the organizers money. The decision is made on an individual basis. If the event ends after 10:30 p.m., overnight accommodations are recommended.
  • In the case of two requests for the same date, the larger event will usually be given preference.
  • A recommendation: Events that were announced through the local press have been quite successful. You can receive help and tips as well as sample announcements from us.
  • Events taking place on Saturday and Sunday are usually well attended and evangelistically successful. (For Saturday evening, ALL interested people are invited to an event in a neutral building, and then Josef Müller invites the attendees of that event to a church service the following day. The service in a Christian church on Sunday is usually overfilled.)
  • Smaller churches can also invite Herr Müller as a speaker. We are willing to negotiate the costs. We take special cases under consideration.
 We can share with you ways to fill up your auditorium. 
    MEN’S EVENTS, MEN’S VESPERS, and WOMEN’S BREAKFAST MEETINGS are quite popular with Herr Müller as a speaker. We can send you sample invitations.
    We also recommend that you provide feedback cards for the attendees to fill out after the event. (We can send you samples of these, as well.)
  • Please use the form on this page for your request.

Please refer further questions to Herr Müller’s assistant,
Frau Dorothe Rodehutskors:

Request Form

[cf7-form cf7key="request-form"]