Todays Thoughts 8. September 2017
Forget your past…
because JESUS makes ALL THINGS NEW…
Is your past not very praiseworthy?
The past ended YESTERDAY!
The Good News begins AGAIN TODAY.
With JESUS, you are always on the right path!
Even today, I am still daily confronted with the world’s temptations. Some have gone away, but unfortunately not all of them. Otherwise, I would already be holy and wouldn’t need forgiveness, let alone JESUS…
Can YOU relate to that?????
Since I still “mess up” sometimes and don’t always listen 100% to God alone—for which I am immediately sorry—I need JESUS, who through his forgiveness makes something NEW out of my OLD.
Your past doesn’t matter to HIM… HE is only looking toward the future, which he wants to shape TOGETHER with YOU and me.
Allow it to happen and start NEW again today!
It is very easy to put away your own “sinful” nature, even if you only have a few small things to confess.
Let us lay everything down today before JESUS and ask him for forgiveness.
Then let us begin a NEW day, free from all the OLD guilt and shame.
If you confessed your sins to GOD, HE has already forgotten them…
Take a deep breath! I feel free!
Do you?
Have a nice Friday!